Paid Participants

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PCDGC Monthly Tournament Fees

      Note: All members and guests are required to  pay for the green fee including cart at the Pro Shop.

  • Member:  $20 for prizes  
  • Non-Member (Guest):  $30 for prizes 
  • Non-Member (Guest):  $5 (no prize)
Breakdown for Prizes:
  • $10 – Net Score
  • $3 – Closest to Pin (CTP) / Putting
  • $2 – End of Year Prize (Projected $400 at the end of the year)
  • $2 – Skins
  • $2 – FWGAD Tournament Fund
  • $1 – Ace (Hole-In-One during PCDGC tournaments) Fund.

At the end of the season, any unclaimed Ace Fund, except for $100, the $100 will be kept to maintain the ACE Fund.    

If there is no CTP winner at a tournament, the prize will be credited to the End of Year Tournament’s prizes.

G – Guest 

1. Jose Sermeno11. 21.
2. Farley Warshaw12. 22.
3. Michael Finneran13. 23.
4. Robert Audette14. 24.
5. Rick George15. 25.
6. David Thompson16. 26.
7. Louis Pedroza17. 27.
8. Doug Ellis18.28.
9. 19. 29.
10.20. 30.