Pacific Coast Deaf Golf Club – By-Laws
(June 4, 2022)
Article I – Title
Section 1 – Name
The name of the Club shall be “Pacific Coast Deaf Golf Club” (PCDGC), hereinafter referred to as the Club; and it shall operate pursuant to the laws of the State of California and the United States of America.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1 – First
To stimulate interest in golf at the PCDGC by bringing together a group of golfers desirous of forming a golfing organization.
Section 2 – Second
To promote and foster among the members a close bond and fraternity for their joint and mutual benefit, and to promote and conserve the best interests and true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions.
Section 3 – Third
To encourage conformance to the USGA Rules of Golf by creating a representative authority.
Section 4 – Fourth
To maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the USGA Handicap System and issue PCDGC/USGA Handicap Indexes to the members.
Section 5 – Fifth
To provide an authoritative body to govern and conduct club competitions.
Article III – Membership
Section 1 – Eligibility
Membership shall be available to all deaf and hard of hearing golfers and those who have a genuine interest in the deaf community. There shall be at least 10 members with a maximum membership of 75.
Section 2 – Provisional Membership
New member who joins for first time shall be granted Provisional membership. The status will continue until member completes two tournaments then the member shall be eligible for permanent status as a member of PCDGC. The Board of Directors shall approve the permanent status to the member. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject the membership if the member’s conduct is detrimental to the organization’s missions.
Section 3 – Non – Transferable
Memberships in the club are individual and non-transferable.
Section 4 – Handicap
Only golfers with a reasonable and regular opportunity to play golf with fellow members and who can personally return scores for posting may be members and receive PCDGC/USGA Handicap Indexes from the club.
Section 5 – Limitations
Membership confers no voice in the operation of any golf courses, clubhouses, or any facilities of the courses.
Section 6 – Privileges
Membership confers no special privileges in connection with any golf course.
Section 7 – Duration
Memberships in the club are for a calendar year only. The calendar year begins on August 1st and expires on July 31st.
Section 8 – Calendar Year
The fiscal year for the club will be July 1st through June 30th.
Section 9 – Prizes
Members are eligible for any monetary prizes except for members who are age of 18 or under. Those under the age of 18 years shall be eligible for awards and any other recognition that has no monetary value.
Section 10 – Suspension, Expulsion, And Rights
In the event that any member of the club shall commit any act which reflects discredit or disrepute thereon or shall refuse or neglect to comply with rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors or the duly appointed officers, such member shall be subject to suspension or expulsion after (ten days) written notice and the right to be heard, by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting or special meeting called for such purpose.
Section 11 – Meetings
The annual meeting of the PCDGC shall be held in June in conjunction with the PCDGC Tournament. The Board shall determine date, time, and place annually. The Board shall provide for the holding of such other meetings as may be deemed necessary or desirable and they shall call special meetings upon written petition by not less than ten percent of the membership.
Section 12 – Quorum
A legal quorum at the annual meeting shall be 10 members present in person or by proxy. Each active member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 13 – Fee Structure
All membership fees and dues shall be established by the Board of Directors and is subject to approval by members at annual general meeting. Members shall be liable for dues. All monies collected shall accrue to the benefit of the membership.
Article IV – Board of Directors
Section 1 – Composition
The Board of Directors shall consist of President, Tournament Director, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall exercise all powers of management for the club not specifically excerpted by these By-Laws.
Section 2 – Nominations
At least four weeks prior to Annual General Meeting in June May, the Secretary shall inform members of upcoming election through email. Members in good standing may be nominated by a member and seconded by another member at the Annual General Meeting.
Section 3 – Votes
Voting shall be a written ballot and those names receiving the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared winners. The vote shall be held in conjunction to PCDGC tournament in month of June.
Section 4 – Election
Election of board members are held in conjunction with the PCDGC Tournament which is typically held during the month of May of each year. The date, time and place shall be determined by the Board. Only members are eligible to vote and must be present at the Annual General Meeting. Candidates who receive the highest number of votes shall become the elected members of the Board for the new term.
Article V – Term of Officers
Section 1 – Officers
The officers shall be President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Director.
Section 2 – Term
The term for President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Director shall be elected to a two (2) year term. The term shall commence on August 1 immediately following the election.
Section 3 – Elections
The election for the President and the Secretary shall be held in even-numbered years while the Tournament Director and Treasurer shall be held in odd-numbered years.
Section 4 – Duties
Duties: The Board of Directors shall have control of the Club and all assets. They shall approve and execute all leases, contracts, or other documents necessary for the operation of the Club.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 1 – Frequency
The Board of Directors shall hold its Annual General Meeting during the PCDGC Tournament in month of June of each year and additional meetings as deemed necessary by the President or when requested in writing to the Secretary by any PCDGC member.
Section 2 – Committees
Special and Standing Committees may be established by the President or by a majority of vote of the board. The committees shall meet in accordance with their objectives as deemed necessary.
Article VII – Vacancies
Section 1 – Presidential Replacement
In the event that the Office of President becomes vacant for any reason, the Board of Directors shall select a current board member by majority vote to serve out the balance of vacated term. The Board of Directors shall also elect a new member to the board to fill this newly created vacancy.
Section 2 – Appointment
In the event of a vacancy in any other office, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Board member to complete the term of the vacated office, as well as a new Board member to fill the Board vacancy thereby created.
Article VIII – Duties of Officers
Section 1 – President
President – It shall be the duty of the President to direct and oversee the day-to-day operations of the Club. The President runs the regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall vote only when necessary to break a tie.
Section 2 – Tournament Director
Tournament Director – It shall be duty of the Tournament Director to identify golf courses for all PCDGC Monthly and End of Year Major Tournaments; solicits feedback from members and recommends to the Board of Director for approval. The Tournament Director shall serve as acting President in the absence of the President.
Section 3 – Secretary
Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify all board members of all meetings, to keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, to maintain membership status of all members, to keep the bylaws current and to conduct all necessary correspondence of the Club as directed by the President, or by vote of the members of the Board of Directors.
Section 4 – Treasurer
It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to receive all Club funds and at the earliest convenient date, deposit it into appropriate Club accounts. The Treasurer shall keep a written accounting record of all financial transactions, showing in full detail the receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall maintain complete and accurate records of accounts, and report financial results to the Board of Directors at least annually and/or upon special request. The Treasurer shall prepare operating statements at least annually and supervise timely preparation of all required tax documents
Section 5 – Standing Rules
The Board of Directors shall specify additional duties for each of the four (4) positions, commensurate with the skills and abilities of each board member according to organizational needs.
Article IX – Code of Conduct
- Attire – Participants are expected to abide by golf course’s rules related to proper attire. Failing to comply the rules on proper attire may be subject to action by PCDGC Board of Director. The actions may include disqualification from tournament; asking to leave the premise; or disciplinary action.
- Behavior at PCDGC Tournaments – Abusive or inappropriate language: disrespectful behaviors towards officials, volunteers or golf professionals: throwing or breaking golf equipment; any form of cheating; leaving the golf course; without properly notifying an official during a tournament round; and abuse of the golf course in any way will be considered Code of Conduct violations. Offenses/violations may result in automatic disqualification from the tournament and possible suspensions from future events.
Article X – Bank Accounts
All Club bank accounts shall be in financial institutions, which are members of the FDIC, FSLIC, SPIC or similar federal insurer or guarantor Checks drawn on all checking accounts must have the signature of at least one (1) of the officers described in Article V, Sections 1 and 2.
Article XI – Committees
The President recommends to the Board of Directors to approve the creation of a new additional committee, either ad-hoc or standing, as deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the Club. The Board shall name a chairperson, preferably an existing Board member, as well as two other members to serve on any of these committees.
Article XII – Standing Rules
The Board of Directors, upon becoming newly elected officers, should review the Standing Rules and make any necessary modifications for the upcoming calendar year. Standing rules are used to determine changes to membership fees, supplemental rules, and tournament awards which include, but are not limited to, Closest to the Pin, Fewest Putts, Low Gross, Low Net, and Championship Flights. A listing of the awards is to be determined by majority of vote of the Board of Directors on an annual basis.
Article XIII – Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the Club, members at a special meeting shall approve the distribution of all assets.
Article XIV – Non-Discrimination Policy
The Club makes every effort to conduct its official business without discrimination with regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, color, race, creed, national origin, religious persuasion, marital status, political belief, and disability.
Article XV – Rules of Order
All procedural matters not specifically covered herein shall be governed by the rules of procedure as described in the current edition of the Robert’s Rules of Order.