Paid Participants

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PCDGC Monthly Tournament Fees

      Note: All members and guests are required to  pay for the green fee including cart at the Pro Shop.
Members: (For those who have already paid $30)
  • $20 (for prizes) 
  • $5 (no prizes)
Non-member (Guest):
  • $30 (for prizes) 
  • $15 (no prizes)
       Note: Non-members (guests) who pay 3 times will automatically receive membership. 
Breakdown for $20 Prize Fee:
  • $10 – Net Score
  • $3 – Closest to Pin (CTP) / Putting
  • $2 – End of Year Prize (Projected $400 at the end of the year)
  • $2 – Skins
  • $2 – FWGAD Tournament Fund
  • $1 – Ace (Hole-In-One during PCDGC tournaments) Fund.

At the end of the season, any unclaimed Ace Fund, except for $100, the $100 will be kept to maintain the ACE Fund.    

If there is no CTP winner at a tournament, the prize will be credited to the End of Year Tournament’s prizes.

G – Guest